Thursday 30 December 2010



While making our  bombastic New Years dresses a bit of serendipity came our way and we are now torn between blasphemy in the form of transparent nakedness and a mass of leg on show or feeling saintly in long mesh dresses.

Wednesday 15 December 2010


You will never find us far from our black and white mesh shirts from H&M (as we are firm believers in less is more). But these girls certainly know how to accessorise the simplest of shirts into totally masculine-feminine-chiquey-loveliness, bravo!

Sunday 5 December 2010


Crosses bring instant panache in any shape or form but none can quite beat Sarah Michelle Gellar's hidden coke stash in her necklace in Cruel Intentions. We are currently designing mesh numbers that will defy the boundaries of nakedness and blasphemy, be patient.  

Friday 3 December 2010

We've been rocking our Russian fur headbands in this snowy weather, hope you have been too!